Terms of Use


Please read these Terms of Use carefully. The Terms of Use apply to any use of the website and any materials contained herein.

Any content on the website has been prepared in accordance with Danish law. The information provided may not satisfy the laws of any other country.

As such, the website is solely targeted users from the EU and EEA. Thus, the information on the website is not directed at or intended for “US Persons” within the meaning of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Information on the website and liability

The content on the website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute, and shall not be considered as, an offer, solicitation, or invitation to engage in investment operations or as investment advice.

All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the content on the website. However, the correctness and accuracy are not guaranteed, and AI Alpha Lab ApS accepts no liability for any errors, spelling mistakes or omissions. Neither is AI Alpha Lab ApS responsible for the suitability of the information on the website.

Any information or opinions on the website are issued by AI Alpha Lab ApS as of the day of publication and are based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable.

Clients and subscribers are always responsible for the financial results of their own investment activities. Any return estimate or past performance, whether actual or simulated, is not a reliable indicator of future results and the return on investments may vary as a result of currency fluctuations.

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Although AI Alpha Lab ApS strive to keep the website free from viruses, malware and other errors, users access and use the website at their own risk. AI Alpha Lab ApS assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of the website. Furthermore, AI Alpha Lab ApS accepts no responsibility for the availability of the website.

Neither AI Alpha Lab ApS nor any of its employees accept any liability for any damage or direct, indirect, or consequential loss arising from the availability or use of the website, including any harm or defect caused to the user’s device as a result of accessing and using the website.

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AI Alpha Lab ApS is the author of material published on the website. AI Alpha Lab ApS reserve all intellectual property rights relating to the website. The material on the website may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of AI Alpha Lab ApS. In addition, without the explicit consent of AI Alpha Lab ApS the material on the website may not be used for the training of AI models and doing so without consent will be considered a copyright infringement.

These Terms of Use where last revised on 4 February 2025.