
Conflicts of interest

AI Alpha Lab ApS has established a procedure for handling conflicts of interest.

The procedure is in Danish, and the latest version is available here.

Independent investment advisor

AI Alpha Lab ApS is an independent investment advisor. It implies that AI Alpha Lab ApS assess a sufficient range of securities available on the market which is diverse with regard to their type and issuers to ensure that the client’s investment objectives can be suitably met. 

AI Alpha Lab ApS does not accept and retain fees or commissions in relation to the securities the company provides investment advice on.

Financial instruments and risk

AI Alpha Lab ApS has prepared a general description of the characteristics and associated risks of the types of financial instruments AI Alpha Lab ApS normally offers investment advice on to its clients.

All advisory clients receive the description prior to receiving investment advice. The description is in Danish, and the latest version is available here.


Chief Operational Officer Morten Sterregaard-Feltsen is responsible for handling complaints from clients in AI Alpha Lab ApS. 

A complaint about AI Alpha Lab ApS must be sent in writing to Morten Sterregaard-Feltsen either by e-mail on or by letter to the following address:

AI Alpha Lab ApS
Att: Morten Sterregaard-Feltsen
Aage Berntsens Alle 23
2750 Ballerup

There is no fee associated with filing a complaint.